Signs they are cheating

Here at NTF Investigations, we work with you to get results. In our experience, if you think your partner, husband or wife are cheating, then the odds are they probably are! We can help you catch your cheating partner.

Have you asked yourself these simple questions:

  • Is your partner, husband or wife emotionally distant?
  • Are they angry, critical or even cruel towards you?
  • Is there a heightened issue of control over you?
  • Are they working later at work? Coming home late? Any change to their working pattern?
  • Have they become distant towards you whilst undergoing treatment for an illness?
  • Do they have more zest for life. Are they doing thing’s they have never done before? Going to new places?
  • Have they become inappropriately defensive when questioned?
  • Are they flirting with the opposite sex?
  • Do they have a greater need for ‘private time’ than previous?
Catch a cheating partner

Can you Investigate your cheating partner, husband or wife yourself?

A lot of people will perform their own investigation, on the presumption it will save them money. In the short term, this idea may be correct. However, will your tactics have a long term detrimental effect on the relationship if discovered? Do you have the capability or know how to present the evidence you find? Are you restrained enough to capture the evidence and utilise it in the best way possible for you?

Do you possess the following to enable you to obtain the evidence to catch a cheating partner, husband or wife?

  • Access to database’s showing credit scores, residence registers, property ownership
  • State of the art GPS tracking for assets, vehicles and equipment
  • Photographic equipment which is suitable for a court of law
  • Training and skill set – can you blend in to your surroundings?
  • Experience – knowing the lengths a person will go to in order for the infidelity to remain undiscovered

If you don’t, NTF Investigations do.

Contact us today and speak to a private investigator to find out how we can help.

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